Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Need of SAP

                                       NEED OF SAP

In olden days to run a business each department has to communicate internally by paper based applications, which is very unsecured and time consuming activities. If the departments are in different locations it will take more time to run a transaction. It’s very difficult to know the status of request generated by other departments.

Small example is to develop a product at plant; plant maintenance needs materials, technical people to workout it. So plant manager send request for material to material management and human resource to Hr. If the proper material are available will be sent to plant maintenance ,if not they have to purchase it so need of money, a request sent  finance. Hr people will look for technical people by their recruitment process. To issue funds FI people will sent a request to Admin. After getting proper reply from Admin will start to develop the particular product. For this small transaction or application a lot of document transferring, different requests & replies, etc. each department has to maintain their own records, documents and status updates. It’s not possible to make it simple, short and secure. If a single document is lost entire transaction will be blank, in every step there is lot of time consuming.

By all these time consuming activities firm loses business nothing but clients. Generally client won’t bother about money if the proper quality product delivered on time, even you’re too.

To over come this computerizing the firm is best. Computerizing means computers and proper software to run that application where the time consuming. But all the departments are not computerized at a time. Reason is already the people are very much comfortable and convenient to paper based transactions, they feel very uncomfortable to sudden change. So they need proper motivation, advantages of this change and training too. If one department successfully working out it, then other also can be implemented. But all the departments are not implemented at a time. Let us think FI department implemented tally or wings to work with accounts. Like that other departments with their suitable software’s, data bases. By observing
Advantages provided by different software’s, firm implements in to it. Nothing but programming languages c++, java, .Net, etc.. data bases like oracle, sql server, etc.
After computerizing entire firm also there are some problems, in that transferring data from one department to another is not that much easy,  Reason is they are developed using different programming languages & appropriate, familiar databases. Those sit on different operating systems. Under databases level their tables, fields and data types are different. Its not very easy to direct transfer. So again data is uploaded manually at other departments. And if any document is changed it may not be tracked or maintained by those software’s.

 To over come all these type of problems there are so many ERP packages or software’s are available. Those are BAAN, JD Edward, Ram co, People soft, Oracle Apps,  SAP, etc….in out all these SAP is best product which developed ABAP programming language.
           Reasons & advantages to make SAP best ERP product:

SAP stands for systems, applications, products for data processing. Nothing but data can be processed between one system to another (development to test, test to production), one application to another and one module to another. It’s a product by SAPAG, Germany in 1972 with R/2 architecture. In the mid of 1996 it’s upgraded with R/3 architecture.

  1. SAP provided maximum modules and their applications which can be used in a firm.
  2. If data in one module entered automatically that’s replicated in to another and unauthorized data is easily tracked.
  3. No need of any creating data base tables. Already its provided maximum tables for each departments which can be customized according to requirement.
  4. Very less time to implement.
  5. It interacts with other software’s
  6. If a document or record is changed, its easy to track & analyze.
  7. its fully furnished application, if need of any extra application which can be developed by using ABAP programming language provided & can be used only in SAP.
  8. It’s GUI application easy to operate.
  9. It’s multilingual application.


                                              THANK YOU

Parllel Processing or Using Nested Loop

Parallel Processing or Using Nested Loops:

PO Number

PO Number
Item No

Data: index1 like sy-tabix.

Loop at itab1 into wa1.

 Read table itab2 into wa2 with key ponumber = wa1-ponumber.
 Index1 = sy-tabix.

Loop at itab2 into wa2 from index1.

If wa2-ponumber ne wa1-ponumber.



Monday, December 27, 2010

SAP Implimentation Steps

                                   SAP IMPLEMENTATION

To discuss about SAP implementation steps with you, I’m taking an example for a firm NON IT COMPANY and a software development company IT COMPANY.

As per the business achievements of NON IT COMPANY, it studies different ERP packages and their advantages. Let us think it’s very impressed with SAP and wants to implement it their organization. For that it has to buy the product nothing but SAP with appropriate release. Now NON IT COMPANY looks for different SAP implementation companies in that it approached the one of the India’s leading company IT COMPANY.

  1. Analysis: after completion of the contract agreements IT COMPANY people will analyze the business flow of NON IT COMPANY by taking questioners from users & key users

  1. Documentation: after reading the business of NON IT COMPANY, IT COMPANY people will prepare a document on what they understood and what are expected by NON IT COMPANY.

  1. Sign Off: Next the document is read by NON IT COMPANY people and confirming that IT COMPANY people thoroughly understood their business as per their requirements. They will go for sign off to further developments.

  1. Gap Analysis: In this phase IT COMPANY people will analyze the SAP provided facilities and the things to develop, to understand the necessary developments and customizations.

  1. Development or Deployment: In this phase they will prepare small documents about the different requirements called functional specs. Those will be converted in to technical specs with necessary technical information like data base tables, programming logic to develop that object.

  1. Testing: The developed objects are tested by using various test cases, different testings like unit, module, integration and system.

  1. Implementation: After completion of the user accepting test, what ever the objects are developed is maintained at NON IT COMPANY location with necessary systems with suitable configurations.

  1. User-Training: In this phase IT COMPANY people will provide training to NON IT COMPANY people, nothing but how the data can be maintained, inserted and how the SAP is operated.

  1. Post implementation support: As per agreements accepted IT COMPANY has to provide support to NON IT COMPANY for correcting problems while using it or further developments or up gradations.

                                            THANK YOU